Menopause-proofing Love: 5 Ways to Keep Your Relationship Strong

Menopause-proofing Love: 5 Ways to Keep Your Relationship Strong

Did you know that women in their 30s and 40s go through something called perimenopause? It is when a woman's body goes through changes, and it can sometimes make her feel different. But guess what? Even during perimenopause, it's important to keep love strong in a relationship! Here are five simple ways to do it. Let's check them out!

1. Make time for each other

It’s no secret that perimenopause and menopause can be tough on relationships. As women go through these changes, they can experience a wide range of symptoms that can make them moody, irritable, and short-tempered. Their sex drive may also decrease, which can lead to tension and conflict in the relationship.

2. Be honest with each other

Part of maintaining a strong relationship during perimenopause is being honest with each other. Don't be afraid to talk about your feelings and what you are going through. You may be feeling hormonal changes in the form of mood swings, irritability, or depression. Let your partner know how you're feeling and why, and work together to help each other through whatever emotions may come up.

Your partner may be feeling uncertain or confused about what’s happening. Let them know that it's normal to feel these things during perimenopause or menopause, and that it will take some time to adjust to the changes. Showing your partner respect and empathy during this time will help them understand and be supportive of you.

If you and your partner aren't on the same page, don't be afraid to seek support from a therapist. They can help you both get through this period with honesty, openness, and understanding.

3. Be open to new things

While going through perimenopause, it is essential to keep your relationship interesting and fresh. This could mean trying out a new hobby, or activity, or even just going out for a low-key dinner together. Doing something new and different will help you to reconnect and rekindle the bond that you have with your partner.

Spending quality time together has several benefits, including it helps to prevent boredom in the relationship; you both look forward to spending time together, rather than dreading it and it can even help to alleviate some of the mood swings that are common during this period.

Remember: no matter how long you’ve been together, it’s essential to keep your relationship alive. This time can be incredibly scary and uncertain, but by focusing on things that your partner enjoys and keeping an open mind to try new things, you can get through this period with a stronger bond than ever.

4. Communicate your needs

When it comes to communicating about perimenopause, it is important, to be honest and open about your needs and expectations. It can be tough on both partners if you are feeling overwhelmed or if your partner is experiencing any mood swings. That’s why it’s important to talk about how you’re feeling and discuss any expectations you may have of each other.

Communication is key to keeping your relationship strong, and it’s important to be mindful of each other’s needs and feelings. Listen to each other and respect each other’s boundaries when it comes to intimacy. Make sure to let your partner know when you need some space or need to be reassured

Try to find ways to be supportive of each other’s needs. It can be as simple as taking a break from your regular routine to spend time together and reconnect. You can also come up with funny inside jokes to bring a smile to your partner during difficult times. Being supportive and open about your needs can help your relationship stay strong during this tumultuous time.

5. Support each other

It’s easy to forget to offer support and kindness to your partner during these times of stress and mood swings. Don’t forget that although things are tough now, it will pass and your relationship will thrive when you’re both able to come together and offer each other strength.

You can offer support to your partner in different ways. One way is to just be there for them and listen when they need to talk. Seeking professional help together is also a great way to learn how to better cope and manage the challenges and changes that come with perimenopause

Making time each day for a few minutes of physical contact, such as cuddling, can also be beneficial. Research shows that physical contact releases oxytocin, the hormone that’s associated with feelings of love and closeness. Doing activities together can also be great, as it provides an opportunity to focus on something fun and take a break from all the stress.

Remember to stay patient and be kind to both yourself and your partner during this time. Keeping your relationship strong during this period will help you both become even closer and stronger. Let us help you grow together in this cycle of your relationship. Schedule an appointment