From Partners to Spouses: 12 Must-Ask Questions for Long-Term Couples Considering Marriage

From Partners to Spouses: 12 Must-Ask Questions for Long-Term Couples Considering Marriage

Photo by Andres  Ayrton/ Pexels

As a marriage and family therapist with over 15 years of experience, I have seen firsthand the impact that premarital counseling can have on couples in long-term relationships. It's not uncommon for couples who have been together for 6-10 years to decide to get married without seeking premarital counseling. They may feel like they know each other so well and have been through so much already, that they don't see the need for it. However, within a few years of marriage, the cracks in their relationship start to show.

So, if you find yourself in a long-term relationship and are considering taking the next step towards marriage, I urge you to consider premarital counseling. It can help you and your partner address important issues that may have been overlooked or avoided during your time together. Here are 12 unconventional questions that couples in a long-term relationship should ask during premarital counseling:

1. What are your individual goals and dreams, and how do they align with your partner's?

2. How do you navigate conflicts and disagreements in your relationship?

3. Have you discussed your expectations for roles and responsibilities within the marriage?

4. How do you approach finances as a couple, and have you discussed your financial goals and values?

5. Are there any unresolved issues or resentments from your past that could impact your future together?

6. How do you prioritize self-care and maintain your individual identities within the relationship?

7. Have you talked about your beliefs and values around religion, spirituality, and cultural traditions?

8. How do you envision your future family dynamics, including parenting styles and expectations?

9. Are there any potential deal-breakers or non-negotiables that you need to address before getting married?

10. How do you establish boundaries with friends, family, and outside influences in your relationship?

11. Have you explored your communication styles and how you can improve your communication as a couple?

12. How do you approach intimacy, both physical and emotional, and how do you keep your connection strong over time?

These questions may not be the most comfortable to answer, but they are essential for building a strong foundation for your marriage. Premarital counseling can provide a safe space for you and your partner to navigate these topics and work through any challenges that may arise. Remember, marriage is a journey, and taking the time to ask these questions now can set you up for a lifetime of love and happiness together.  

While these questions serve as a valuable starting point for long-term couples considering marriage, it's important to note that this guide is not a substitute for professional therapy or counseling. If you and your partner are facing significant challenges or seeking personalized guidance, we recommend seeking the support of a licensed therapist or counselor.

Ready to strengthen your relationship and build a solid foundation for marriage? Book a premarital counseling appointment today to explore these questions further and set yourselves up for a lifetime of love and happiness.