Should You Tell Your Partner If You Don't Like Their Engagement Ring?

Should You Tell Your Partner If You Don't Like Their Engagement Ring?

You're proposed and say, "yes" after the excitement has died down and the clapping has faded, you realize you don't really like your engagement ring. You have several options. You could: A) tell your partner the truth; B) Go with the flow you may grow into liking it; C) learn what goes with purchasing a diamond, costs and all to help you appreciate the ring; D) pretend you like it while bashing it to friends and family or E) all the above.

If having a safe and trusting marriage is your goal, then A, B, and C are safe bets. D is a no-no!

If you have a negative reaction to your engagement ring, it's important, to be honest with your partner. The ring is a symbol of the love and commitment you have for each other, so it's important that both of you are happy with it.

If you're struggling with feelings of guilt, don't let them take over your mind. If you want to share your concerns about the ring, do so in a respectful manner.

Saying something like "I'm not sure I like how this looks" or "I'm not sure if this looks like me" is much better than saying "I hate my ring." This way, your fiancé won't become defensive or feel attacked by your words.

It's also important to remember that an engagement ring can be changed or swapped out for another one — there are plenty of options out there for both men and women!

It's not easy being honest, but if you're dedicated to a loving and trusting marriage, let your spouse know about the frustrations you're having with your engagement ring.

No matter how pretty the engagement ring, it is just an object. Instead, focus on the jewel of your choice; the promise of marriage coming true in due time is far more beautiful than any sized diamond ever could be.