The Pros and Cons of a Threesome: What You Need to Know Before You Decide

The Pros and Cons of a Threesome: What You Need to Know Before You Decide

A threesome may not be for everyone, and no one should be pressured to participate unless they understand what they are being asked to do and the possible repercussions.

Have you ever been asked to participate in a threesome after repeatedly saying no? Do you wonder if this will damage your relationship with your partner by refusing?

There are many people who are about that life. If you are against it, you are entitled to feel that way since you are being asked to share your body with someone else, whether they are a  stranger or not. It is important that you are comfortable with your choice and are okay with it. 

It is possible that you will not come out of the experience feeling good about yourself, your partner, or your decision despite having chosen the person. Unless you are completely comfortable with it, do not do this to please your partner.  

Your partner should allow you to ask questions until you feel comfortable. Stop the conversation immediately if you feel your partner is frustrated by your questions and ask to speak with them later. This decision must feel right to you.  

Important things to think about:

  • Know your partner's sexual history.

  • There is a possibility that the person you are asking to participate or your partner may have a history of sexual abuse, psychological abuse, low self-esteem, low confidence, obsessive disorder, jealous trait, or other mental health concerns that may have triggered a trauma that is repressed. 

  • It is not a good idea to be forceful. 

  • A loss of respect for you or the end of your relationship could result from this. This is why it's important to know who you're asking before initiating this request.

Questions to ask the person making the request: 

Who is selecting this person? 

What kind of person is the extra person?

Who is this person? Is it a friend or a stranger? 

 How did you find them? 

How long has your partner been considering this? 

Have they done this before? 

How did it go for them? 

Do you plan to do this frequently? 

Where will it take place? 

Are you pursuing this as a desire or as a lifestyle?

With all that being said, the main point is to not do something you do not feel comfortable doing, even if it means losing your relationship.